Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Journey Begins...

On a rainy Sunday in April, bored, and feeling cocky based on the excellent roast baking in the oven, my man and I decided it would be a grand idea to cook ourselves through Gary Mehigan's "Comfort Food".
 Having virtually no cooking experience, other than the basics ( I make brownies, he burns schnitzel, etc) this notion, although not original or wildly adventurous, is somewhat daunting for the both of us.

In an attempt to provide accountability and with the vein notion that someone might actually be interested in reading about our kitchen feats and failures we decided on this blog.

So the rules:

Once a week
One Recipe
From the start of the book till the end
No skipping pages allowed
Tasting essential
Enjoyment optional

So if you're reading this (Mum?) wish us luck, pray that we don't burn down the kitchen or poison our flatmates or indeed, through the realisation that we cannot cook and thus provide for each other end up single.

Jess and Michael


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